She's fourteen months old. It's the longest I have nursed one of my babies. She has taken a long time (like a reeeally long time) to get the hang of eating real food and having the same food sensitivities as her brother, it just made sense that she would need to be nursed a little longer. Even just a few months ago I couldn't get her to eat much of any food and was solely nursing her, still not eating any gluten or dairy to keep her little tummy happy. But here we are at month fourteen. She is a good eater and doesn't need me for all those extra calories, so I've started weaning her. It has sort of hit me hard for some reason. Maybe it's because nursing her is really a sweet time in my day having three little ones. It's my time with just her. And that she has seemed to struggle with it, even though she's just been nursing once a day for some time now. She's so affectionate and needs to be held and snuggled so much (which I love) but at this point nursing is a comfort thing for sure.
I've been giving her extra long hugs and more kisses, if that's even possible. I've been playing more games of peek a boo and reading to her more. I've been rubbing her little feet after her baths and tickling her back more often than usual. Just so she knows that I love her and need her sweet snuggles not just out of necessity but because I adore her and always want to keep her close to me. We are still just as attached to each other as before. After not being able to nurse my little man for very long I feel more grateful to be able to have sustained this baby girl of mine for so long and keep her healthy and content. She is a rosy-cheeked, bright eyed, happy, strong girl and her little rolls are sure signs of my love!
You have such a way with words that makes me blubbering over here! Way to put it perfectly how you feel about your kids! And your previous post on little "C"...he seems like such a cool kid! Anyway, thanks for always putting motherhood into perspective for me! You're awesome Jessica!