Sunday, December 9, 2012

my greatest work

Sheesh, what a week it's been. My little monkey boy has had an allergic reaction every day this week and I can't figure out what he's reacting to. I just ache thinking of him not feeling good so often. Just when I think I have this little guy all figured out...Little magoo has been teething and more needy than usual.  I think I've burned dinner more in the last week than in my whole adult life.  I was feeling a little like Gumby, with my arms being pulled in opposite directions. Even with the rough times I really do love my crazy life.  Thank goodness for snapshots to get me from one happy moment to the next. Sometimes, I stand back and look at them and I am so grateful for them and who they are. 
I took that little boy of mine to "the mountains" yesterday. Going up into the canyon is one of his favorite things to do and I haven't been able to take him for awhile. It was windy and freezing but Brett was home so at 9 o'clock on a Saturday morning, we went into the canyon, just me and him. It was snowing and we climbed on the rocks until we couldn't stand the cold.  Listening to that happy boy in the back seat chatting away, holding that puppy of his just made me feel this perfect contentment. 
Even if we have some bad days every once in awhile there really are pretty darn amazing moments to make up for it. Usually our days are pretty simple and that's the way I like them. I just have to keep remembering that I do have it so good and that I'm learning more from spending my days with these three littles than I could doing anything else. 

"The joy of motherhood comes in moments. There will be hard times and there will be frustrating times. But amid the challenges, there are SHINING moments of joy and satisfaction. "
Elder M. Russel Ballard


  1. Thanks for sharing this. It was just what I needed this morning. You are such a fantastic mother- everyone who knows you can see how much you do for your children. You inspire me!

  2. Love it! So very very true. I love one on one time. I think I need it just as much as they do, if not more. It always is a good reminder to me of why I love my kid so much.


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