I picked up my camera for the first time in a few weeks to take to the zoo. It's the longest I've gone without taking it out of the bag since I bought it I think. This move and building has absolutely consumed my time but that's ok. Life is calming down a bit this week. And I feel calm. So much peace about everything. And so assured that we did the right thing in selling our house. It sure felt good to snap a few pictures, short story. We caught the animals at the perfect time. The elephants had just knocked down one of the walls between the hippos and themselves and were bathing in the hippo's pond. It was the most excitement I've ever seen at the zoo. It's funny how one simple trip to the zoo, something that we've done dozens of times before, can make life seem so ordinary and a-okay right now. In the midst of lot hunting and countless discussions on neighborhoods and schools and builders, doing something so uncomplicated feels invaluable. It's all for the greater good and how lucky am I that we are able to take on this project but building this home, and trying to do it in a place with cleaner air and low-toxins and with a builder that will work with us on it has left me feeling harried. But afternoons like this, watching my kids run around in the splash pad with their dad that they adore and to see that curiosity in their faces as they peer at these animals renews me and reminds me it will all work out. It will, just as Heavenly Father wants it to if I can just keep at it.
You're doing a great job! I hope you find the lot and builder and everything starts falling into place soon. I completely understand- the stress leaves you craving normalcy more than ever!
ReplyDeleteThose pictures are beautiful!! I need to take my kids to the zoo soon. Did you finally decide on a lot? I am so anxious to know:)