(my boy with his guitar, I can hear the girls swooning already)
We are just getting into the swing of things around here. I feel like I'm not ready for our little holiday to be over but it is. Up until today we have been lounging around the house, letting the kids stay in their pjs as long as they want.
I'm so happy to welcome a new year. A fresh, shiny start, a clean slate. This past year was a year full of small trials for me. It stretched me a lot of days. We were really blessed as a family in so many ways and I my heart feels so full thinking about where we are at in life. At the same time , this was the first year that my little boy here started reacting to wheat and soy just by being around it. I honestly feel like I spent half of it holding my little one here while he was sick or trying to balance all the rest of life. That's how life goes though, it can be monotonous, even boring, but it can still be so good. This might just be my new calling in life, to care for little ones while they are reacting or trying my hardest to prevent them from having reactions in the first place. It's still a good life, with good moments in it.
I do feel grateful for what I've learned and the new perspective that I have taken on. This year might not be much different but I feel like I've been prepared and that my perspective has changed for the better. And I hear that that's half the battle. My resolutions this year, to go easy on myself and to be content. Not to let myself get so overwhelmed with all the worry and the craziness. Just to take it all in and enjoy it and to work harder and be better, to focus more on others and to be kinder and more gentle to my kids. To smile more, give more hugs, take more walks and to remember my purpose throughout the day.
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