this past trip to southern cali was our best yet, brett and i decided. we had way more smiles and laughs than usual and by far fewer tantrums. i guess that just shows that our kids are growing up, which reminds me that there really are some benefits to this whole growing up thing. when we left i felt like i didn't take hardly as many photos as i should have but we did get a few and there is still more to come. probably way to many of my kids with their backs towards me but i'm so content to see them do what they're doing and take it all in. mostly i just played. played in the sand with little margo. i stole some time out in the ocean with adelyn and cole. i love that place so much and sharing it with them, this place i spend so much of my childhood at just makes me so perfectly happy. how good our Heavenly Father is to give us such a magnificent place. i watched the kids fill tiny bucket after bucket of water to fill a hole they dug and their patient dad who was so content to just be with them, walking back and forth with them. adelyn is reminds me of a bird with new found wings out in the water. cole is always one to need a hand out there and then he gets these bursts where he forgets to be scared and just goes for it. because they are sparse they feel like them spectacular, couldn't get better moments. oh my goodness i love this little family of mine.
Looks like Paradise! You guys are traveling fools these days! Your kids are cuter and cuter each and every day and are growing up way too fast.