Tuesday, September 15, 2015

september love

if i'm being honest, there are days when it feels like my house might swallow me whole. the chores can be never ending and it can feel like i'm being pulled in opposite directions.  in those moments i love to go out in the yard and be with the kids. it sets me straight every time. being under the shade of our trees is magic for my soul. when we were going to build a house i couldn't stop thinking about how we wouldn't have mature trees in the yard while the kids were little. when we found our house i knew it was for us. god really does know and care about the minute details of our lives and those trees remind me of his love. our apples are ready and margo has been waiting all summer for this moment when she could pick the apples. we filled all our big bowls before it rained. cole worked so hard at peeling and grating apples and we had apple crisp monday night. life is getting to me lately but all these things remind me that it really is oh so good.

1 comment:

  1. I love this. Life is getting me, too, but there are good moments everyday. Thanks for the reminder!


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